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Distillation of crude oil slideshare


Crude oil is a mixture of a very large number of compounds. These compounds can be separated by distillation. Heated Crude Oil 40o C 350oC Fraction Boiling pt. Liquid petroleum gas Petrol (gasoline) Naphtha Paraffin Diesel Fuel oil Lubricating oil Bitumen < 25oC 25 – 60oC 60 – 180oC 180 – 220oC 220 – 250oC 250 – 300oC 300 – 350oC > 350oC 1. After desalting and dehydration, crude is separated into fractions by distillation. The distilled fractions cannot be used directly. The reason for such a complex set of processes is the difference between the crude oil properties and the needs of the market. Another reason for complexity is environmental. 1. Fractional Distillation By Oliver Javadi 2. Crude oil • I will be using crude oil as a recurring example during my PowerPoint (it represent the mixture). • It is an exceptionally valuable resource that is made up mostly of alkanes. • Crude oil is not renewable as it takes years to form, this makes it ever more precious. In the process of fractional distillation, a mixture of different liquids is evaporated followed by condensation. Different liquids are evaporated according to their boiling point and they are collected in different chambers of distillation tower. 6. Generally crude oil contains compounds having boiling points upto 400 OC. HYDROCARBONS CHAIN - CRUDE OIL 12. WHAT RESEARCH IS CURRENTLY BEING DONEON FRACTIONAL DISTILLATION? 13. INTERESTING FACTS• The distillation process at an oil refinery consumes 2 barrels of oil in energy for every 100 barrels of refined oil• Widely use in Make-Up• It is also used in create natural food flavourings 14. BIBLIOGRAPHY

Distillation of crude oil Crude oil is a mixture of many hundreds of liquid hydrocarbons. Dissolved in it are many other hydrocarbons some of which are solids and some gases (the lower members of the alkane family, predominantly methane and ethane but often with some propane and butane).

4 Jun 2015 See Crude oil characterization along with the caveats discussed in API Technical Data Book—Petroleum Refining, 6th edition, Chap. 11. Chempro For Edible Oil Refining,Top Notch Technology for oils and fats processing neutralization,Degumming,Bleaching,Deodorization. But already at that time there was some question of the advisability of fitting a second valve to the kettle emptying line because of the problem that crude could  

While the process of refining crude oil is nowhere near as complex as the process for harnessing nuclear energy, it is still quite ingenious and offers an inside look at one of our most controversial, essential commodities. The first step in refining crude oil is known as fractional distillation. We’ll look at the refining process […]

Distillation : The first step in the refining of crude oil, whether in a simple or a complex refinery, is the separation of the crude oil into fractions (fractionation or distillation). These fractions are mixtures containing hydrocarbon compounds whose boiling points lie within a specified range. A continuous flow of crude oil passes from the Distillation process of Crude oil. Crude oil is a fossil fuel, it was made naturally from decaying plants and animals living in ancient seas millions of years ago -most places you can find crude oil were once sea beds. Crude oils vary in color, from clear to tar-black, and in viscosity, from water to almost solid. Fractional Distillation of Crude Oil. A common example of fractional distillation in industries is the separation of various components of crude oil. Crude oil normally contains substances such as paraffin wax, gasoline, diesel, naphtha, lubricating oil and kerosene. The distillation process helps in separating these components effectively. The ASTM D86 and D1160 standards describe a simple distillation method for measuring the boiling point distribution of crude oil and petroleum products. Using ASTM, D86 boiling points are measured at 10, 30, 50, 70, and 90 vol% distilled. The points are also frequently reported at 0%, 5%, and 95% distilled.

While the process of refining crude oil is nowhere near as complex as the process for harnessing nuclear energy, it is still quite ingenious and offers an inside look at one of our most controversial, essential commodities. The first step in refining crude oil is known as fractional distillation. We’ll look at the refining process […]

28 Feb 2016 Generally crude oil contains compounds having boiling points upto 400 OC. In this process, crude oil is heated to above 400OC in a pipe. Its  27 Nov 2013 Processing Of Crude Oil Crude oil is separated in to compounds or group of compounds by distillation process. Crude oil is composed of  15 Sep 2014 Crude oil • I will be using crude oil as a recurring example during my PowerPoint (it represent the mixture). • It is an exceptionally valuable 

Crude oil is sent to the Atmospheric distillation unit after desalting and heating. The purpose of atmospheric distillation is primary separation of various. «cuts» of  

Chemical Composition of Petroleum. ▫ Petroleum Products. ▫ Fractional Distillation. ▫ The First Oil Wells. ▫ History of Oil in Malaysia. ▫ Production Sharing Contract  12 Jul 2018 Crude. Oil. Desalter. Atmospheric. Distillation. Vacuum. Distillation. Gas. Separation & Refining Overview – Petroleum Processes & Products,.

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